
From Our CEO

Enjoy the best food from Asia Foods.

Asia Foods was incorporated in 1976 to engage in the processing and export of frozen vegetables. At the time of its establishment, the Company was one of Taiwan’s first frozen vegetable processor. Since then the Company, under the guidance of Founder Chairman Lin Chang Chi, has become one of the leading multinational supplier and manufacturer of frozen vegetables in the Pacific Rim.

A Taiwanese man named Chang Chi Lin starts Grass Mountain Corp.LTD (A predecessor company of Asia Frozen Food Group ) which was located in Taipei.


Established Asia Frozen Food Corp under the purpose of produce and export frozen vegetables. Meanwhile, he started production in Feng Shan factory.


Established A Lian Factory in Taiwan and started to produce frozen vegetables.


Established a joint factory in China (Long Hai ) for frozen vegetable production.


Establish AGI Hong Kong for investing to business in China.


Changed Long Hai factory from joint to wholly owned foreign entity and also expanded its scale.


Established Asia Group Qing Dao joint factory in China. ( Frozen Vegetable )


Invested to Fujian Yi Feng Eel joint factory in China.
( Frozen grilled eel )


Established Asia Food Group Nan jing joint factory in China.
( Frozen vegetable )

Established Asia Food Group Tai An Tai Shan joint factory in China.    ( Frozen vegetables and frozen packaged food )

Established Asia Group Qing Dao office.

Changed Nan Jing factory from joint to wholly owned foreign entity and also expanded its scale.

Invested to Tai Feng Frozen Food Company  Eel joint factory  in China.
( Frozen grilled eel )

Asia Food Group Tai An Tai Shan joint factory has been officially certificated as OFDC (  Organic Foods Development Center ) and OCIA (Organic Crop Improvement Association)for the very first Chinese factory.

Established 2nd factory of Tai An Tai Shan joint business.

Established Asia Farm for domestic business in Taiwan.

Established AGI Japan for invest and expand Japanese business.